Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Fuck ho gaya.. :(

hmmm... studying till 5 am also didnt help.. i studied all the topics and got totally confused.. shudnt blame myself a lot..the subject required me to study regularly.. it was a pity that i realised my mistake the moment i got out.. all these quizes are crap yaar.. 5-10 minutes to solve a problem is ridiculus.. its takes time to assimilate the problem..anyway another subject down the drain.. why does it happen to me.. :(


Smitha said...

watch ur tongue(er...pen..errr...finger???)
wats with the title???shudn u atleast make it sthg like f&%@!!!

rākeśvara said...

Why should he make it some starry fancy thing when there the most versatile word in English fits so aptly here. I appreciate the absence of 'politically correctness' here.

Regarding your *&^% (err.. I did not say anything about me being able to use the most versatile word0.
Regarding your exam, all I can say is what the American bhais taught me
"You take it easy man".

Rupak said...

well said dude.. hanky panky words are for females.. ya me taking it easy..problem is I shudnt take it too easy..