Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Long time

Back after a long hiatus and hopefully this time for good..recent events in my life can be enumerated below:
  • Passed out of IIM (and that too respectfully)
  • Got a few of them at KPMG Middle East and South Asia
  • Selected the aforementioned job coz somehow peers had fed me info that we engineers can be considered good only if we are in our own domain ( like electrical guys in BHEL/Texas instruments/Samsung etc or like civil guys in Konkan railways/flyover making in somewhere-pur ) or if we do an MBA and get into the finance domain..if u talk well go into financial consultancy like KPMG, EnY, PwC and if you are not very extrovertish go into I banking and make a killing by misrepresenting numbers :) i know i have stereotyped people bigtime :)
  • Anyways having been fed all this info, I chose financial risk management role at KPMG
  • Moved to Sharjah where the regional office is current situated
  • Settling in the new environs and looking for a house (which is another story)
  • Not watching the world cup at all but avidly reading the WC jokes about India

Thats about it..hopefully wud be able to blog more frequently from now on..

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