Thursday, July 07, 2005


My classes for the first three days of week start at 8:30 am. This means that even after negotiating with the watch and pushing it to the very extremes also, I have to get up by 7:30 am. The professor who takes the first class ( or rather cless as he pronounces it) might be a good man at heart but he seems a strict diciplinarian. If it is 8:30 then one cant enter the class after that and the attendance is gonefor the day. Believe me attendance is a big issue here. Not only u lose all that is taught in class if the attendance is less that 80% u have to repeat the whole year. Apart from this all professors expect the guys to read not only all that he has taught but also the things he will teach in the current class. If he asks u a question and u dont answer or give a educated guess regarding what the appropriate answer would be, there is a huge chance that u might be thrown out of class without attendance. The significance of the attendance cannot be undermined at this place.
Now where does this place me. I have three clocks including the cell phone all set at different times so as to coax and cajole me out of my drowsiness. However the fear of missing a lecture has till now disturbed my sleep much before the actual time to wake up and even though i sleep till the last possible nanosecond, I have to stop having this fear of getting up late and missing the lectures.
This fear psychosis might be due to a pretty bad incident in my college life when during my third year, a professor had scheduled his test early morning ( early morning bole to 8:30 am). As usual I had studying till late nite understanding most of the things and then I woke up at 8:50 am. I couldnt believe that I am missing a test and this is to say a lot coz i have never missing any god damn test in my whole life. I had to run helter skelter to reach the department and somehow did whatever possible in twenty minutes. The prof was good enuf to allow me in. Anyone just had to take a look at me to know what the situation was.I cant blame my friends or neighbours coz they did say they knocked the door heavily and thought i had woken up. The fact that I did pathetically due to lack of time is not that important coz doing well in tests was insignificant but that incident changed me and after that I have never been the same.
Guess until I get into the routine of waking up early on my own till then i would keep having these weird nightmares of missing classes :-(

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